Faculty Associates

Faculty Associates are faculty of Creighton University who work in the areas of religion and society. Their primary appointments are in academic departments of the university, but they have committed their expertise, interests, and skills to the collaborative work of the Center.

The Kripke Center accepts applications for new Faculty Associates. For further information on the responsibilities and privileges of Faculty Associates, see the Faculty Associate Profile.

Current Associates

Ulil Amri
Assistant Professor in Cultural Anthropology

Religion and Environment, Social Movements, Political Economy, Muslim Faith Communities in Indonesia

Erin Averett
Professor of Art History and Classical & Near Eastern Studies

Classical Archaeology

Matthew Averett
Associate Professor of Art History

Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture; Urban Development

Dulcinea Boesenberg
Associate Professor of Theology

New Testament; Early Jewish and Christian Community and Identity

Sherri Brown
Associate Professor of Theology

Biblical Studies; New Testament and Social Justice

Susan A. Calef
Assistant Professor of Theology

New Testament and Christian Origins; Feminist Biblical Interpretation; Women in Early Christianity; Body Issues in Early Christianity; Apocryphal Acts; Biblical Spirituality

John C. M. Calvert
Professor of History

Middle Eastern History; Islamism; Jihadism

J. Jay Carney
Professor of Theology

African Christianity, Church History

Sabrina Danielsen, Director of the Kripke Center
Associate Professor of Sociology

Sociology of Religion; Social Problems and Movements

Daniel DiLeo
Associate Professor and Director of Justice and Peace Studies

Religion and Environment; Catholic Social Teaching and Climate Change

Gintaras K. Duda
Professor of Physics

Dark matter; Intersection of Religion and Science; Scientific Cosmology

Scott Eastman
Professor of History

Spanish Nationalism and Colonialism

Kevin Estep
Associate Professor of Health Administration and Policy

American Congregations; Public Health; Political Polarization

Julia Fleming
Professor of Theology

History of Catholic Social Ethics, particularly Crime and Punishment

Leonard Greenspoon, Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization
Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Studies

Hebrew Bible; Dead Sea Scrolls; Bible Translations; Bible in Popular Culture; Judaism; Jewish-Christian Relations

Andrew Gustafson
Associate Professor of Business Ethics and Society

Ethics, Business, and Society

Martha Habash
Professor of Classics

Greek Religion, Roman Religion, Ancient History

H. Ashley Hall
Associate Professor of Theology

Reformation; Protestant Theology

Jeffrey P. Hause
Professor of Philosophy

Medieval Philosophy; Ethics; Ancient Philosophy

Bridget Keegan
Professor of English; Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

British Literature; Religion and the Environment

Thomas M. Kelly
Professor of Theology

Liberation Theology; Enculturation; Christianity in Cultural Context

Christopher Krall, S.J.
Assistant Professor of Theology

Religion and Sciences, particularly Neuroscience; Theology of Prayer

Richard Collin Mangrum, Yossem Chair in Legal Ethics
Professor of Law

Constitutional Law; Free Exercise and Establishment Issues; Morman History and Theology

Cristina Pop
Assistant Professor of Medical Anthropology, Department of Cultural and Social Studies

Medical Anthropology; Gender and Religion; Discourse analysis of Mythical Texts

Nicolae Roddy
Professor of Theology

Hebrew Bible; Society and Literature of the Second Temple Period; Syro-Palestinian Archaeology; Romanian Apocryphal Literature; Eastern Orthodox Christian Theology and Culture

Alexander Rödlach, SVD
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Psychiatry

Medical Anthopology; religion and health; faith community nursing; religious explanations of health and epidemics

Trish Ross
Assistant Professor in Modern Languages & Literature & Honors Program

History of Christianity; History of Science and Religion

Jacob Rump
Associate Professor of Philosophy

Phenomenology; Theory of Meaning; Epistemology; Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy; History of Analytic Philosophy; Ethics

Todd Salzman
Professor of Theology

Law, Religion, Sexual and Gender Ethics

Samantha Senda-Cook
Professor of Communication Studies; Affiliated Faculty with Environmental Science and Sustainability Programs

Rhetoric; Environmental Communication; Materiality; Qualitative Methods; Space and Place; Recreation; Food; Urban and Sustainable Agriculture; Memory and Time; Embodied Practices

Ronald A. Simkins
Professor of Theology

Hebrew Bible; Near Eastern Studies; Archaeology of Israel; Creation Myths; Political Economy of Israel; Bible and the Environment

Zachary B. Smith
Associate Professor of Theology

Late Antique, Medieval, and Byzantine Christianity