Table of Contents
Religion and the Environment
Edited by Ronald A. Simkins, Creighton University
An Introduction: The Legacy of Lynn White, Jr. (pp. 1-4)
1. Religion and Environmentalism (pp. 5-26)
2. The Revolution of Evolution (pp. 27-46)
3. The End of Nature: Humans and the Natural World in the History of Creation (pp. 47-65)
4. Conservationism, Preservationism, and Environmentalism: Convergent and Divergent Theological Foundations (pp. 66-95)
5. The Persistence of Grasmere: Contemporary Catholic Environmental Theology and the Romantic Impulse (pp. 96-108)
6. God, Sustainability, and Beauty (pp. 109-31)
7. An Ecological Theology of Creaturely Kinship (pp. 132-45)
8. Unlikely Alliances: Notes On A Green Culture of Life (pp. 146-58)
9. From Dominion to Stewardship? The Ecology of Biblical Translation (pp. 159-83)
10. The Creation Spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola: Still Pertinent for Life on the Fragile Planet (pp. 183-201)
11. Theistic Naturalism and the Politics of Nature (pp. 202-20)